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Deep Tissue Massage 
Deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). This type of therapy can be uncomfortable, but offers a beneficial therapeutic change within connective tissues, resulting in an excellent pain management program. Receiving deep tissue therapy on a regular basis can naturally manage pain and enhance your quality of life.
Trigger Point Massage
The results and benefits of trigger point massage are releasing constricted areas in the muscles thus alleviating pain. Trigger point massage therapy is designed to eliminate the source of the pain through isolated pressure and release cycles, where the client actively participates through deep breathing.
Sports Massage 
Combines several massage therapy techniques with various stretches can enhance an athletes proformance, reduce pain and prevent injury. The type of techniques performed will depend on whether it's a pre or post game massage. Most clients have stretchy bottoms on for the duration of the massage to allow for various stretch techniques to be performed. Receiving sports massage therapy on a regular basis can encourage the body to heal and perform more efficiently.
Essential oils are used in conjunction with massage therapy to enhance the natural healing process of the body. Specific oils alleviate pain, stress and anxiety. Aromatherapy stimulates feel good hormones within the body to aid in proper functioning. An aromatherapy profile can be designed specifically to meet the needs of each individual client. There are various ways to administer aromatherapy and finding what works best for you is my goal. Regular use of aromatherapy can often create a better mood, more restful sleep, decrease stress and anxiety, and decrease chronic pain.
Thai Massage
Thai massage has many benefits for the individual. It uses the gentle pressure on energy lines and the yoga-like stretching to relax the whole body on a deeper level. This deeper level of relaxation improves the individuals' personal outlook, and their emotional status.
Prenatal Massage
 Known to reduce back pain,  joint pain, edema, muscle tension & headaches, reduce stress & anxiety, improves oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles, &  get a better nights sleep.
Infant Massage
Infant-Parent attachment or “bonding” Relaxation. Helps baby feel loved. Promotes better sleep. Facilitates body awareness. Boosts immune system. Sensory stimulation. Improves skin condition.
The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourages blood flow, sedates the nervous system  (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure) Its used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, and even cellulite.
Aromatherapy Wraps
Let us wrap your body in your favorite essiential oil infused body moisturizer and warm blankets and let all your worries waste away. 
localized Cryotherapy
improves circulation, boost energy, reduces swelling, accelerates post surgical recovery, relieves muscles and ligament strains, allieviates symptoms of chronic pain syndrome, treats tendon injuries, manages pain, improvememnt in joint function, aids in inhibition of inflamation, eases muscle tension increasing strength, enhances sporting performance.
Using controlled cold exposure we are able to freeze your fat cells. This will minimize your fat making it easier for your body to process.
Instant results without surgery giving you tighter healthier skin with increase in muscle tone, lightens dark areas under eyes, helps with acne and eczema, saggy skin and wrinkles along with scaring.
Infrared Sauna
helps with better sleep, relaxation, detoxification, weight loss, relief from sore muslces, relief from joint pain such as athritis, clear and tighter skin, improve circulation, and help people with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Ionic foot Detox

Your feet are gateways to your body and your nervous system. That is why detoxifying through them is very effective as is evidenced by the change of ionic foot tub watercolor. You will also notice a huge energy boost, improvement in sleep, the disappearance of pain in your legs among many benefits.

Eliminating toxins stimulates and energizes your body organs enabling them to effectively carry out their duties. Watercolor changes noticeably with each subsequent use showing that the level of toxins inside your body decrease as you continually uses the bath.

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